Movie Trailers and such

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mrs. Winterbourne -- 1996 -- PG-13

This was a fun little romantic comedy with a slew of funny moments, a great plot, and nothing too annoying about it. It follows a young, pregnant girl who has nothing running into a nice guy on a train. She meets the nice guy's wife who allows her to wear her clothes (because the girl's clothes were wet), and even lets the girl try on her wedding ring. Shortly thereafter, the train crashes killing most of the people on board.

So she ends up with this guy's family who think she is their daughter-in-law that they never met. She tries in the beginning to come clean, but never has the chance. It is a film that actually stay interesting throughout without those annoying "ok, let's get this thing going again" moments.

The characters are developed really well, and you get a true sense of who they are and feel for them by the time the end comes around. It can be said that maybe she gets off a little too easy for the deception in the end, but it is forgivable because the family is setup very well to forgive, and let's be honest, there really wasn't time to dwell on it.

So, in the end, it was a good little comedy.

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