Movie Trailers and such

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl -- 2003 -- PG-13

Though billed as being in the Caribbean, I have no idea where in the Caribbean this movie takes place. Port Royal is the only location mentioned without regard to what country Port Royal is in. It's a swashbuckling adventure movie (obviously) with lots of sword fights and stunts, and a plot that threatens to drag, but never quite slows down enough to do so despite its running time of nearly two and a half hours.

Jack Sparrow is put forth as quite amusing and clever in his dealings, although his status as a pirate tends to make others doublethink his plans too much, thereby derailing them. Will Turner appears to be a well-meaning character though his method of thinking seems constantly strange. He trusts Jack...and then he doesn't....and then he does...and then he doesn't.

Only the initial premise is a little thin and hard to believe: that it took ten years for Jack to show up and track down the Black Pearl. In the film, he finds it pretty easily without any effort at all, and it doesn't appear that it would have been difficult for him to have found her before this. What his hold up was is never explained, but we can infer a lot of stuff that won't make sense.

Beyond this, the story was good, and it was fun to watch.

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