Movie Trailers and such

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Parts: The Clonus Horror -- 1979 -- R

Since The Island borrowed a lot from this film, I opted to watch it again. This one didn't play out as well as The Island did, but it did have that similar premise. We get a lot of information from the get-go here explaining practically everything so everything I've said is not even much of any spoiler.

Believability issues abound here, though. This clone, while having average intelligence, is able to do a lot of things that he could now have learned and really can't be done unless taught. There was a sheet of paper he managed to identify as a map and that he used constantly within a multi-floor facility to find his way around. So not only does he have impeccable map-reading skills, but a multi-floor facility fit on a little sheet of paper. Wow. He also knew about the elevator maintenance hatch...not bad for someone who couldn't possibly have been told this or seen one used. He even knew how to use a VCR. Didn't fit the training programs, nor did they have TV's in their rooms. This clone knew too much for what he would have been taught according to the film.

The music used was cliche and one scene was 70's action sequence all the way. The alarm used in a facility was the "red alert" from Star Trek. The way the clone ended up being tracked reminded me heavily of Mr. Big's network in Live and Let Die (book and movie). And how'd he get out? He avoided being shot by a sharpshooter(?!).

And the ending wasn't much better. Stepford Wives, anyone?

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