Movie Trailers and such

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Planet of the Apes -- 2001 -- PG-13

This remake by Tim Burton has a lot of good things going for it. The plot is decent and everything ties together better than the original version. The main character has a direct responsibility for what is going on. Some good action, and not too many contrivances make the plot side of this film very enjoyable.

However, the character side stinks. Non of the characters have any character at all. While some are likable, they never get developed to the point that we care. There are several hints made at the past of a few of them, but the topic is never persued to the point where we fully understand. The biggest pet peeve though is that I didn't know the name of a single character. The names were barely used throughout the film (perhaps once or twice for each character), and without a solid understanding of the name, character just goes into the toilet here. I take it back...I know the monkey's name was Proteus or Hercules or something Greek like that.

So it had a good plot, and the main character's journey (whatever his name was) was pretty well defined and relatable. If the names were interjected more throughout the script, that would have helped a lot.

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